First you'll recieve an email from the server with a temporary password.

Don't go to the first link! Go to the second link ( ) and log in with your email and tempoarary password.

Once logged in check the checkbox and click "OK, got it"

First thing you want to do is change your password

Click the user icon in the top right corner and then select "Profile"

On the Profile screen Enter "8888888888" for Phone Number & select any Country.
Check the "Change password" checkbox and enter a new password, then click "Save"

Next you'll most likely want to resize the sections to fit your screen. There is a little | or - in the middle between each section, click and drag to increase/decrease the sizes of the areas.

The Queue

Tracks in the queue will play next in the order they are in in the queue, untill there is nothing left in the queue. When the queue is empty Robo will play random songs, utill something is added to the queue again. Unforunately, you don't get to see what Robo is going to play untill it's already playing. :(

To add songs to the queue first go to the search box in the top middle of the page
*First click the "V" next to the search box and select "All the words". The default is "Any of the words" and it resets to that every time you leave the page even though you'll never want to search that way.

The results will appear once you start typing. Click the down arrow icon on the right to add the song to the bottom of the queue.

Hold the Ctrl or Shift key while clicking to select multiple tracks.
Then to add them all right click one of them and select Add to>Queue Bottom/Top

The songs are now in the Queue and will play next in the order they are in in the queue.
You can rearrange the tracks clicking and dragging.

Remember to try to keep the queue blanaced with boy and girl groups. Also if there are a lot of requests, remember to add in a station ID every 8-10 tracks. They can be found in the library under Filters> Media Types > Station ID [SID]

If you need help with other featrues and/or a walkthrough, just let me know :)